Results of the Doctoral Programme Recruitment for 2025–2027

The recruitment process for five full-time, three-year doctoral researcher positions for the period 2025–2027 has been successfully concluded. The positions were announced in the call Doctoral researcher positions in the Doctoral Programmes of Health and Biosciences (HBS-DP), Human Sciences (HS-DP), Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE-DP), and Technology and Natural Sciences (TNS-DP).
Two of these positions were allocated to the HBS-DP, while the remaining three were assigned to the HS-DP, ITEE-DP, and TNS-DP, one position per programme. A total of 90 applications were submitted during the application period from October 14 to October 30, 2024, comprising 52 female and 38 male applicants. Among the 90 applicants, 68 were from Finland, while the rest came from other European countries, Africa, Asia, Middle East, and North America.
All selected candidates met the required eligibility criteria, including holding a Master’s degree or an equivalent qualification in a relevant field by the end of October 2024. Additionally, none of the selected candidates had received a doctoral study right prior to 2024, and their supervisors were not principal investigators in spearhead or emerging projects.
The eligible applications were evaluated by the Doctoral Programmes. According to the evaluation of applications, all the applicants who received the highest evaluation ranking points and fulfilled all the required selection criteria were selected for the positions. The evaluation and ranking of the applications were based on the competence of the applicant, quality of research (scientific quality, novelty, innovativeness), feasibility of research plan, and overall assessment. Additionally, the graduate school guidelines incorporate a gender perspective by ensuring that, when there are equally qualified top candidates, preference is given to a candidate from the underrepresented gender in the field.
Based on the evaluations, five applicants were selected for the positions, including four female and one male candidate. Their academic disciplines covered biochemical and medical sciences, information technology, psychology, as well as biological sciences.
We extend our congratulations to the selected candidates and thank all applicants for their interest in the positions.