Sari Harmoinen is Dean and Riikka Mononen Education Dean in the Faculty of Education and Psychology

The selection of the Dean for the Faculty of Education and Psychology is currently ongoing, and Harmoinen will work as a Dean until the new person begins in the position. The application period ended on 5 November 2023. According to the University's regulations, the rector appoints a dean and education dean from among those who have applied for the position after having heard the relevant faculty.
The Dean manages the faculty in accordance with the objectives defined by the University Board of Directors and the Rector. The Dean answers for the strategic and operative planning of the faculty, the productivity of the faculty’s operations and the faculty’s finances to the Rector of the university and serves as the chair of the faculty board.
The Education Dean is responsible for the faculty’s education and its effectiveness as well as for any other duties specified in the university’s education regulations. The Education Dean acts as the vice dean.