Sign up for Study together -sessions

Study together events give you the chance to study with others and experience what it's like to work with Pomodoro, the timer. You can join the meetings without registering. Please note that sometimes the group space may fill up.

Bring to the meeting your work assignments. The event is organized by the guidance services employees.

The Study Together -group meets on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 14:00, if you wish you can stay in the space to study until 15:00. Fall Study Together meeting times: 10.9., 17.9., 24.9., 1.10., 8.10., 15.10., 29.10., 5.11., 12.11., 19.11., 26.11., 3.12. and 10.12.2024. Place: Timjami, Julinian Garden, Linnanmaa campus (note: 19.11. and 10.12. in Meirami, Julinian Garden).

Last updated: 5.9.2024