Suggest equality and diversity award recipient by 30 September 2022

Who has promoted equality in the studies, research, work environment or staff of the University of Oulu? Who has developed new policies that promote equality and / or diversity? Who has increased our awareness and understanding of equality and non-discrimination? And has anyone developed forums, forms of cooperation or other tools to improve the debate on equality or produced new information on social media, for example?

University of Oulu has given the equality award since year 2009, and it is given yearly for meritorious actions to promote equality and diversity work. The award can be given to a person, staff / student group, unit, administrative body or association. The award is given separately to a student/student group and staff.

The award is a certificate of honor and will be presented on UN Day October 24th.

The written proposals with reasons for the award recipient shall be delivered to the secretary of Equality and Diversity Committee Aino Lääkkölä-Pyykönen ( ) on 30 September 2022 at the latest. The proposals will be discussed in the University Equality and Diversity Committee in September.

The objective of work on equality and diversity carried out in the University is to promote equal and non-discriminative treatment of employees and students and prevent discrimination and address any flaws. Every member of the university community is encouraged to promote equality and non-discrimination through their own activities.

Read more:

Equality and diversity at the University of Oulu

Equality and diversity plan 2022–2023

Last updated: 13.9.2022