A survey on City Campus is open until October 12, 2021

A survey on the new City Campus planned by the University of Oulu is open to all university members. The survey is based on a seminar held by faculty and student representatives in September.
Viitteellinen näkymä Oulun yliopiston keskustakampuksesta Ratakadun suunnalta kohti Raksilan markettien aluetta. Kohteesta tullaan järjestämään arkkitehtuurikilpailu.

You have received a reply link to your email. You can also access Webropol's response form here. Please answer by Tuesday, October 12, 2021.

The results of the survey will be utilized in the university’s own project plan. The project planning group consists of a representative from each faculty and the library plus two student representatives. The project plan provides the university’s Board of Directors with the necessary information for making the investment decision and launching planning. The Board of Directors is scheduled to decide on the project plan at its meeting in December 2021. A separate planning reservation report concerns the so-called supermarket plot in Raksila, and it will be submitted to the City of Oulu by 31 December 2021 for launching the alteration process of the city plan.

More information about the survey: johanna.tschokkinen(at)wsp.com

More information about Oulu City Campus

Faculties are collecting their views on Oulu City Campus

Last updated: 6.10.2021