There is still time to answer the campus entity vision inquiry

The survey, opened by the campus vision working group in May, is still open for the entire university community. The response time has been extended until 26 June, 2022. 

The campus entity vision working group has met four times during the spring. The group has had a lot of discussion about the future university and different perspectives on the future. Various forces of change affecting the University of Oulu have been extensively discussed in the group, and many perspectives related to the future campus have been anticipated.

The group outlines the campus vision at the level of the overall picture of university operations. In accordance with the Board of Directors' mandate, the exact location of the campus is not on the campus vision team's desk. The aim is to consider what is needed from the university of the future.

The chair of the working group, Lotta Leinonen, has also met with a smaller vision group chosen among the university's Board of Directors. In the meeting they went through questions from a survey open to the university community and the progress of the group's work, and exchanged ideas on campus work to make the vision as useful as possible to support the Board of Directors’ work.

The survey, opened by the campus vision working group in May, is still open for the entire university community. The response time has been extended until 26 June, 2022. To date, about 300 people and 20 groups have responded to the survey. The vision working group hopes for even more answers to have the most comprehensive picture possible of the future needs of the community. To get more answers, those have been requested from different communities and answers have already been received from various units, especially from the faculties.

Respond to the survey here and influence the vision of the future of the University of Oulu (use your university ID’s to log in).

Campus vision working group

More information: lotta.leinonen (at)

Last updated: 7.6.2022