Thinking and Talking about Climate -summer studies free online
Thinking and Talking about Climate MOOC helps you in recognizing and understanding the emotions that climate change evokes. Thinking and Talking about Climate is a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) which means that it is open to all and free-of-charge. You can complete the course at your own pace as MOOCs do not have any schedules. Just note that if you have already started the course, you must complete it before the course area closes on the 31st of July 2024. Partially completed assignments do not carry over to the next course area that opens in the beginning of August.
The course uses avatar figures with which you can reflect on your own climate emotions and personal approach to climate change. Avatars work as one of your tools as you try to figure out why we have such different views about climate change. This online course is interactive and gamified.
By participating in this course, you will:
- learn to understand and express climate emotions
- realize why people react differently to climate change
- get new tools to solve climate-related challenges
Study climate issues from a new perspective and participate in Thinking and Talking about Climate. The English version of the course has just been published and you can start it right away! Small edits to the English version might still take place as the course is developed further. However, potential edits will not affect the participants in any way. Feedback about this new course would also be highly appreciated!