Tips for studying at home

Studying at home requires self-discipline and routines. These tips, compiled by a study psychologist, will give you a rhythm to your studies and tips for studying at home.
  1. Make a weekly schedule and devote a certain amount of time per day to studying.
  2. No matter how tempting, avoid working in your pyjamas all day. This is likely a big change already so try not to lose all your daily routines at once.
  3. Try and set clear tasks for the day - three major decisions or activities is a good day's work - but keep an eye on ongoing tasks too. You won't always get as much done at home - but you might get loads done. One tip is to have a WEB list – W – what you want to achieve E – what you expect to achieve B – what you had Better achieve that day.
  4. Use apps to improve your study skills, example: Study bunny, to do lists and life habit tracker
  5. Create an area to study that is a designated study zone. Keep your study space clean and organized so you can put more time into studying (and less trying to find a pen that works). Remember also to eliminate electronic distractions.
  6. Have a proper lunch break. Stop, cook something nice to eat, and eat away from your work area. Try and get outside and get some natural light if you can do so safely, and try some exercise, again within guidelines on social contact - it's easy to get dragged in to work out of hours
  7. Use a timer, example pomodoro, to keep track of time and make sure you stick to the timetable you created. Setting a timer help you to keep focused on the task.
  8. Use effective study techniques that suits to you. Do you learn by hearing, making summaries or using mind map? Test what study technique suits to you.
  9. Take care of your well-being. Exercise, sleep and eat. Do everyday something that you like. You can also check tips to well-being and coping with anxiety

You can also check from here tips.

Source: Article by Mental Health Foundatation & Study psychologists (University of Oulu)

Last updated: 26.3.2021