Turnitin Similarity -system in Moodle for detecting text similarities

Turnitin Similarity -system can now be used in Moodle.

For your information that in the Moodle learning environment of Oulu higher education has been installed Turnitin Similarity add-on for detection of text similarities.

From now on Turnitin -system can be used in the Assignment activities of the Moodle courses, if the teacher activates the system. This procedure protects each student’s unique accomplishment and prevents plagiarism.

However, students’ text will not end up in Turnitin’s database unless student accepts the Turnitin EULA.

Please, learn carefully about the Turnitin Similarity in Moodle: Moodle guide for students (Fordson Theme): Turnitin Integrity for students (oulu.fi)

Last updated: 21.9.2022