Two job openings at the EPB Secretariat: Policy Officer and Communications Officer

Two job openings are available at the European Polar Board secretariat, Hague, Netherlands: Policy Officer and Communications Officer.

The European Polar Board (EPB) is an independent organization that focuses on major scientific, policy and strategic priorities in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Current EPB membership includes research institutes, funding agencies, scientific academies and polar operators from across Europe. The EPB has a mission to improve European coordination of Arctic and Antarctic research by optimizing the use of European research infrastructure. Since 2015, the EPB Secretariat has been hosted by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) in The Hague. The EPB has public benefit organization (ANBI) status in The Netherlands. The working language of the EPB is English.

EPB Vacancy: Policy Officer

The EPB is full beneficiary and partner in several large project consortia funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme (eg EU-PolarNet 2, Arctic PASSION, INTERACT III, SO-CHIC). The EPB leads deliverables including communication with policymakers, organization of events (both online and in-person) for a variety of audiences, and various other tasks related to policy advice. The EPB Policy Officer will support these deliverables, as well as central EPB tasks and other tasks as required.

For more information and how to apply please see the job announcement on the EPB website.

EPB Vacancy: Communications Officer

An important role of the Communications Officer of the EPB will be to effectively communicate to both EPB Members and to external audiences. The EPB aims to advance, coordinate and promote European polar research, making a pro-active external communication strategy vital. Internal communication, towards and between EPB Members is equally important, ensuring that the whole EPB network is kept up to date with the latest information on activities, opportunities and best practices, among others.

For more information and how to apply please see the job announcement on the EPB website.

Last updated: 20.4.2022