Two new English-taught degree programmes available in the joint application in January

The Finnish universities' first joint application will take place on January 4-18, 2023, when you can apply for English-taught degree programmes at the University of Oulu. University of Oulu offers a total of 836 study places in 21 Master's programmes and three Bachelor's programmes.
A student is sitting on stairs and thinking. Her eyes are closed. An arch appears on top of her head stating Oulu, always a good idea.

Two new degree programmes are offered in the joint application: International Business Management (Bachelor’ programme) and Sustainable and Autonomous Systems (Master’s programme).

"The International Business Management Bachelor's programme emphasises Nordic entrepreneurial management with a focus on sustainability, responsibility and creativity. Graduates with a bachelor’s degree can automatically continue their studies in the two-year Master's programme in International Business Management. The goal is to train experts in international business and marketing, especially for those high-tech and health technology companies that seek international growth," says the Director of the Bachelor's programme, University Lecturer Lauri Haapanen from the University of Oulu Business School. The programme offers 30 study places.

The Sustainable and Autonomous Systems Master's programme is implemented as a new collaboration between the universities of Oulu and Vaasa. Both universities offer 35 study places.

"The Master's programme in sustainable autonomous systems trains specialists who know how to build future robotic solutions for production, energy solutions, transport and logistics chains, among other things. The programme combines information technology, real-time systems, wireless communications and measuring and positioning data in a new way. Sustainable development and cyber security are central aspects of the topics," says the Director of the programme, University Lecturer Jari Hannu from the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering of the University of Oulu.

A bigger intake for several Master's programmes in ICT

Master’s programmes in Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, and Wireless Communications Engineering offer more study places than before. A strong demand exists for skilled workforce in these domains.

All applicants must demonstrate their English language skills. Detailed instructions can be found online for both Bachelor's programmes and Master's programmes.

The results of the January joint application will be announced by June 2, 2023, at the latest.

Applying to the University of Oulu takes place online at

More information and detailed application instructions online:

International Programmes | University of Oulu

How to apply? | University of Oulu

Last updated: 3.1.2023