University Collegium approves financial statements and annual report

The Collegium of the University of Oulu has approved the University's financial statements and annual report for 2022 and grant a discharge to members of the Board and the Rector at its meeting on 12 May 2023.

The Board of Directors has approved the financial statements of the University of Oulu and the university group, according to which the university's result in 2022 was a loss of almost 38 million euros. The university's financial statements and annual report will be published in accordance with the Universities Act after the University Collegium has confirmed the financial statements.

The Collegium consider that the comprehensive description of the university's activities in the Annual Activity Report is important. For example, data on the number of students will allow for a better assessment of the development of performance.

The Collegium pays particular attention to the transparency of the administration in respect of, among other things, the Board’s meeting documentation. The Dynasty publication service should be developed in such a way that, in addition to the minutes of meetings, their attachments are available.

The University's Board of Directors has proposed changes to the University Regulations and asked statement from the Collegium. The Collegium has submitted the statement to the Board by the deadline.

More information: Chair of the University Collegium Helka-Liisa Hentilä

University Collegium

Last updated: 12.5.2023