The university is not aware of any unresolved indoor air problems - working at the Linnanmaa campus is safe

In recent days, claims have been made that there would be problems in the indoor air of the Linnanmaa campus of the University of Oulu. This has also led to uncertainty and concerns among staff and students as to whether it is healthy to work and study at Linnanmaa.

The university is not aware of any recent or unsolved adverse reactions to the indoor air of the campuses. No major or serious indoor air problems have been observed at the Linnanmaa campus after the air conditioning renovation of the main library. During the last year, very few reports of indoor air problems or factors related to indoor air conditions at the Linnanmaa and Kontinkangas campuses have been made to property owners (University Properties of Finland Ltd) or occupational safety and health operators at the University of Oulu.

We mainly receive communications as service requests and through staff, students, occupational health care or the Finnish Student Health Service. The property owner has a well-functioning indoor air process model, which helps to quickly locate problem areas and initiate the necessary measures.

There are also exposure conditions which are not due to the current university property and which we have no influence on. These are often reacted to very individually. We are aware that some may have a strong exposure history or, for some other reason, a special sensitivity that leads to different symptoms that adversely affect work ability in the workspaces available. Some of the symptomatic people have received assistance from room-specific indoor air cleaners, but these have not provided adequate assistance for all.

In connection with problems with indoor air and conditions on campuses, students can submit a service request using an online form.

On behalf of the university's occupational health and safety

Pertti Hoskio

Occupational Health and Safety Manager

Tuula Taskinen

Occupational health and safety representative, LTK and BMTK

Jari Ylönen

Occupational health and safety representative, Linnanmaa

Last updated: 15.2.2022