University of Oulu is participating in nationwide “Down a Degree” energy-saving campaign

“Because of the energy crisis, we had already committed to energy saving targets earlier this fall. With these measures already agreed and the accompanying monitoring, we also wanted to join Motiva's campaign,” says Meeri Hilli, Environmental Coordinator at the University of Oulu.
There are many ways to save energy at the University of Oulu. The internal temperature of the Linnanmaa and Kontinkangas campuses has already been lowered by about 0.5 to 1 degrees. The ventilation of the campuses will also be adjusted and the main part of the premises will be reduced to a minimum during quiet periods.
“Measures targeted for example at lighting, ventilation and computer classes displays target an estimated annual savings of 200,000 kWh in electricity consumption,” counters Hilli.
Laboratory facilities are also conducted to make sure that they do not use water or energy in vain.
Small acts that anybody can do
Astetta alemmas campaign encourages everyone to do small acts that can save energy. At home you can for example:
- reduce shower time
- lower the room temperature
- have a sauna quickly and less often
- wash full loads of washing machines
- use energy-efficient lamps
If all Finnish homes reduce the room temperature by one step in the coming heating season, it will save up to 2 TWh of heating energy, says Motiva. The energy saved equates to the annual consumption of 90,000 electrically heated single-family homes.
More tips on how to save energy can be found on Motiva's website (in Finnish).