University of Oulu prepares to organize autumn studies on campuses – Summer studies remotely 

The University of Oulu prepares to organize autumn term studies on campuses from 1 August 2021. Summer studies between 1 June and 31 July 2021 will be held remotely. The University of Oulu decided earlier that courses are organized remotely during the spring term until 31 May 2021 and teaching is provided on campus only if it cannot be arranged remotely.

With this decision on autumn studies, the University of Oulu wants to support the well-being of students and teachers. The university wants to give the opportunity especially for first- and second-year students to study and meet each other on campuses.

However, the development of the corona epidemic is constantly monitored and for autumn studies, there are also preparations for distance education in all studies. In particular, if a course would be inconvenient to re-plan in changing circumstances, it is worthwhile to organize it primarily remotely. Online, blended and hybrid modes of teaching can be used in situations where it is pedagogically meaningful.

The situation is re-evaluated constantly on the basis of the recommendations and orders given by the Regional State Administrative Agency AVI.

See university's coronavirus guidelines

Student, how are you?

We would like to thank all our students for complying with the recommendations. We hope you have will to meet the recommendations also in the future. In that way we will take care of those who need our protection and we can meet each other sooner again on campuses.

It's important that you ask for help if you are feeling bad, you are struggling with your studies or your direction for the future is missing. You won't be left alone, and there are many types of support for the challenges of life and studies:

More information:

Last updated: 25.3.2021