Updates to the University of Oulu’s Computing Servers Starting from 28.5.2024 at 16:00

Updates will be made to the University of Oulu’s computing server environments starting from 28.5.2024 at 16:00.

The updates concern all computing servers maintained by ICT services:

- Lehmus computing server environment (representative nodes)
- ITEE computing servers
- Kataja computing servers
- bcocore computing server
- Mittlab computing server
- ePouta computing servers

In addition to the updates, the following changes will be made in the environments:

  • Kataja2 - Kataja4 servers will be moved as part of Lehmus
  • ITEE07 - ITEE12 servers will be moved as part of Lehmus

The use of Lehmus is done in the same way as the use of other SLURM-based high-performance computing server environments. Instructions for using SLURM can be found at: https://slurm.schedmd.com/quickstart.html and preliminary documentation of Lehmus: https://tki-kapasiteettipalvelut.version-pages.oulu.fi/lehmus-doc/docs/slurm/

ITEE servers will come to a new partition (partition) ITEE; which is primarily in use by the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Later, QoS restrictions will be installed towards the partition.

Kataja servers are added to interactive and normal partitions and are available to everyone.

Upcoming updates

Kataja5 - Kataja8 servers will be moved as part of Lehmus in September.

Last updated: 27.5.2024