Vision for university's future is created together

At its meeting on 24 February 2022, the Board of Directors of the University of Oulu decided to launch a long-term vision work on the campus entity. The purpose is to explore the conditions to form a unified campus area for operations of the University of Oulu in Oulu over the next 25 years.

A working group has been appointed for the preparation of the vision work, chaired by the Chair of the Board of the Student Union, Lotta Leinonen (deputy: student Viljami Viinikka) and Johanna Bluemink, Director of Development of the University of Oulu, as secretary.

“The purpose of the working group is to design the process of creating a vision for the University of Oulu and to complete it in 2022. Vision should form a picture of the university of dreams,” says Lotta Leinonen, Chair of the working group.

“Digitalisation will change society, education and research so the vision must meet the needs of the future with ambition,” Leinonen continues.

Vision work involves the university community, for example, through faculties, departments and student organizations. In addition, the work utilizes international networks essential to the university, such as the European University UNIC Consortium.

The working group includes the following persons:

Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen, Library Director, University Library

deputy: Vice Director Minna Koistinen

Matti Alatalo, Faculty of Science, Professor

deputy: Dean Maarit Järvenpää

Tuomo Glumoff, Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University Lecturer

deputy: Dean Peppi Karppinen

Emma Hulkkonen, student

deputy: student Iikka Kokkoniemi

Kauko Keskisärkkä, General Secretary of the Student Union

deputy: student Suvi-Anna Salminen

Heikki Kontturi, Faculty of Education, Project Manager

deputy: Dean Risto Honkonen

Petri Kulmala, Faculty of Medicine, Dean of Education

deputy: Dean Osmo Tervonen

Jukka Lahti, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University Lecturer

deputy: Dean Jukka Riekki

Janne Pihlajaniemi, Faculty of Technology, Professor

deputy: Dean Mirja Illikainen

Leea Putula, student

deputy: student Essi Leinonen

Vesa-Matti Sarenius, Director of Academic Affairs

deputy: Director of University Services Marja Sarajärvi

Jari Sivonen, Faculty of Humanities, Professor

deputy: Dean Paula Rossi

Sauli Sohlo, Oulu Business School, Development Manager

deputy: Dean Janne Järvinen

Additional information:

Chair of the Working Group

Lotta Leinonen, 040 523 1821

Last updated: 25.3.2022