Visit Professor Wulf Kansteiner (16.05-20.05.2022)

Professor Wulf Kansteiner (Aarhus University, Denmark) will be visiting the Centre for Philosophical Studies of History in May for a week.

During his stay, Professor Kansteiner will teach one course and give two lectures:

Tue, 17.05.22, 13-17h, IT 105: Course “Writing the Holocaust and Genocide History in the 20th and 21st Century”. For more information on the course and the registration modalities, see here.

Wed, 18.05.22, 14h, Frost Club (Tellus): Lecture “Sound & Memory: Popular Music as a Site of Memory”

Thu, 19.05.22, 16.15h, Agora Lecture Hall: First Annual Eudaimonia Lecture on the Human Sciences “Responsible Forgetting: Democracy and Free Speech after Cosmopolitan Memory”. For more information on this lecture, see here. This lecture will be recorded and livestreamed.

Additionally, we will do an extended interview with Kansteiner for our Youtube channel.

Last updated: 11.5.2022