VisitANTS Fellowship (Round 3)

This annual fellowship programme will host 10 residential fellows for a period of 1, 3, or 5 month(s) during Spring 2024. Selected fellows will carry out their own research and writing activities while also contributing to Biodiverse Anthropocenes’ various activities and events throughout the semester, which will focus broadly around the theme "Critical Biodiversities: Understandings of Loss, Life and Conflict". Deadline: Closed

VisitANTS in Critical Biodiversities

The ANTS Thematic Focus for Spring 2024 is a residential research fellowship programme. Ten fellows will come together at the University of Oulu for a period of 5, 3, or 1 month(s) during the 2024 Spring semester. Fellowships are open to PhD holders conducting research on the environment, biodiversity, and/or society.

Biodiverse Anthropocenes (also known as ANTS) is a transdisciplinary research programme and intellectual community at the University of Oulu. Our scholars pursue research on environmental change and biodiversity loss, as well as human socio-cultural responses to these processes. Selected fellows will work in residence in Oulu for the duration of their fellowship and actively contribute to the program's activities, including scientific research, public talks, and academic and outreach events. We aim to provide a stimulating scholarly environment for research, publication writing, the development of new transdisciplinary connections, and networking opportunities. Fellows will be provided with a workspace, full access to university libraries and research facilities, and a monthly grant to cover living costs in Oulu.

VisitANTS fellows are scholars who have worked in, and show strong potential to advance, research on the environment, biodiversity and/or society. This work may take place across a broad range of natural and social science and humanities disciplines (e.g., anthropology, archaeology, biology, ecology, education, environmental humanities, geography, history, philosophy, etc.). Proposed scientific research projects may have a citizen science or outreach component. Applicants are welcome to apply either individually or in collaboration with another researcher from outside the University of Oulu. If you are applying with someone else, e.g., as a team of two scholars, we kindly ask you to each submit your own individual application, making reference to the collaborative nature of your proposals. We also encourage applicants to identify potential collaborators at the University of Oulu and to contact them to discuss your project in advance of applying.

Critical Biodiversities: Understandings of Loss, Life and Conflict: ANTS Thematic Focus, Spring 2024

Biodiversity encompasses the intricate interactions that have sustained life on Earth for billions of years, spanning genes, species, and ecosystems. It plays a crucial role in planetary health, supporting essential ecosystem functions, and benefiting human well-being. However, the ongoing sixth mass extinction poses a significant threat to biodiversity. Human activities such as habitat destruction, invasive species, overexploitation, and climate change are driving biodiversity loss on an unprecedented scale. The consequences of this loss are profound, as it involves complex ecosystems that cannot be easily restored. The decline in species abundance and the high extinction rate highlight the urgency of addressing this crisis.

While efforts like the EU's biodiversity strategy and Natura 2000 network aim to reverse degradation, the challenges are multifaceted. Loss of traditional agriculture and rural out-migration have complex implications for both biodiversity and cultural values. To effectively tackle these challenges, collaboration among experts, scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders from various disciplines is crucial.

ANTS' Spring 2024 thematic semester, "Critical Understandings of Biodiversity: The Crisis of Loss and Growth," aims to explore diverse perspectives on biodiversity, including Indigenous biodiversities, hidden biodiversity, technological advancements, governance, and artistic and citizen science approaches. By examining these themes, the semester seeks to deepen our understanding of biodiversity, its loss, and the need for conservation.

Fellowship Awards

Fellowships will be granted for a period of 1, 3, or 5 month(s). The starting dates are 15 January 2024 (for 1, 3 or 5 months) and 15 March 2023 (for 1 or 3 months). Applicants must arrive in Oulu within several days of the specified starting dates. Please indicate your preferred duration and starting date in your application.

VisitANTS fellows will receive a stipend in the form of a grant to cover basic living costs, such as accommodation and food. Please note that travel costs are not covered separately. The stipend amount for all scholars is €2,000 per month.

Requirements from VisitANTS Fellows

  • Must have a demonstrable research track record and expertise in the field of environment, biodiversity, and/or society.
  • Must have submitted their doctoral thesis by 15 September 2023.
  • Must commit to staying in Oulu for the entire duration of the fellowship.
  • Must begin their fellowship on the specified dates: 15 January 2024 or 15 March 2024.
  • Must be willing to actively participate in the academic life of the University alongside diverse groups of scholars.

To Apply
The deadline for applications is 15 September 2023. Applications must be made via the online application form. The online system closes to applications at 11:59pm (EET, e.g., Helsinki time) on 15 September 2023. Shortlisted applicants may thereafter be invited for online interviews.

Applications (in English) should include the following:

  • Cover letter: (2 pages max) outlining your motivation for coming to Oulu and how your profile and proposed project speak to the Biodiverse Anthropocenes programme.
  • Curriculum vitae: (2 pages max) including relevant publications. We recommend you follow the TENK guidelines.
  • Project description: (2 pages max) including overall objectives, research methods, innovation, and contribution to your field.
  • Research schedule: (2 page max) mapping out your work schedule for the fellowship period.
  • References: Name and email addresses for two (2) senior scholars who are familiar with you and your work and can act as references. We will not request letters until the shortlisting stage, and we may not contact your referees.

For more information, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions on the Biodiverse Anthropocenes webpage. If you still have other questions email Carolina De la Rosa, Coordinator, with enquiries or expressions of interest.

Last updated: 16.10.2023