Visuri, Fabritius and Heikkinen as opponents in doctoral dissertations

Professor Timo Fabritius as well as docents Ville-Valtteri Visuri and Eetu-Pekka Heikkinen have been acting as examiners and opponents for doctoral dissertations in Germany, Norway, Netherlands and Finland.

First of all, Ville-Valtteri Visuri served as an examiner for the doctoral thesis by Thomas Hay entitled "Mathematische Modellierung des Elektrostahlverfahrens" together with professor Herbert Pfeifer and professor Klaus Krüger at RWTH Aachen University on the 2nd of July 2021.

Timo Fabritius acted as an opponent for the doctoral thesis by Erlend Lunnan Bjørnstad entitled " Si refining and fundamental modelling of CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 slag nucleation and growth" together with professor Kazuki Morita at NTNU, Norway on the 18th of August 2021. Furthermore, prof. Fabritius was a member of the doctoral committee for Frank Schrama’s doctoral thesis entitled “Desulphurisation in 21st century iron- and steelmaking” from TU Delft on the 4th of October 2021.

Finally, Eetu-Pekka Heikkinen served as an opponent for Xingbang Wan’s doctoral thesis titled "Experimental investigation on time-dependent recycling behaviour of WPCBs in copper flash smelting conditions" on the 24th of September 2021 at the Aalto University.

Last updated: 17.10.2021