Welcome to the Sustainable development week!

Sustainable development week is here again! This year it will be organized during October 11th to 15th.

The theme of the week will be sustainable actions. The event What role does higher education play in sustainable development?

Lots of interesting topics will be covered during the sustainable development week, such as the concept of diversity and calculating one’s carbon footprint. The week will consist of live, hybrid and virtual events. The week will be organized in collaboration with University of Oulu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, OYY and OSAKO.


Monday 11th October

10-11 Opening event for the sustainable development week: Importance of climate actions (Tellus Linnanmaa campus, Stage)

Registration: https://link.webropol.com/s/keke-avajaistapahtuma

Tuesday 12th October

9-15 Take it or Leave it – second hand market, (Business Corner, Oamk & Green coat rack, Linnamaa campus)

10-15 Bike care event, (R door, Linnanmaa campus)

12-14, Sustainable development studies introduced (Tellus, Linnanmaa campus)

Wednesday 13th October

15-16 Keynote by UNIC: Cultivating Compassion for Inclusion and Sustainability (Online, registration https://link.webropol.com/s/inclusion-and-sustainability

Thursday 14th October

14-14.30 Doc Lounge: Resource Extraction and Sustainable Arctic Communities (Tellus Linnanmaa campus, Backstage, registeration link: https://link.webropol.com/s/doclounge)

Friday 15th October

12-13 Päätöstapahtuma: Koulutus kestävän kehityksen muutosajurina (Online, the event is only in Finnish).

Find out more: https://www.oulu.fi/en/events/sustainable-development-week-0

Last updated: 30.9.2021