A workshop to develop the Master’s course in One Health in Northern Communities and Ecosystems

The meeting was hosted by Anna Sofía Veyhe at her home University of the Faroe Islands and co-arranged by Javier Sánchez Romano (UiT Arctic University of Norway). UArctic Thematic Network “Health and Well-being in the Arctic” and Arctic Five was represented by Anastasia Emelyanova (University of Oulu). Javier and Anastasia also represent the project CLINF-Green for this work. Other scholars included Morten Tryland (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences), Jörn Klein and Linda Madsen (University of South-Eastern Norway).
During the 2-day workshop, scholars worked together on meeting the administrative approval of the course, development of its content, learning outcomes, skills and competences, timeline of the course, enrollment of students, promotion and other issues related to the course. The course is planned to be open for people with many different scientific backgrounds (including both natural and social sciences as well as humanities) either currently studying at master or PhD level or as continuing education for professionals interested in the One Health topics, the Arctic and transdisciplinary approaches. It will have an obligatory online part (5 ECTS) and optional physical part with possibility of partial funding for the students to go to Norway to work on their case study projects (5 ECTS).
In case of questions, please contact project coordinator Javier Sánchez Romano javier.s.romano@uit.no
Stay tuned for the course to be announced later on!