Would you need support for your job search? Check out the Career Centre's services in late spring 2024
Check out the Career Centre's services, events, and workshops in late spring 2024, or come and meet us if you would need some support for your career.
In late spring, the Career Centre service point is open until 25 April 2024, from Monday to Thursday. You are welcome to drop in and ask for advice on your job search and our services. On the service point, you can get your CV, job application and LinkedIn profile reviewed, as well as advice for internships or job search. Please note that we are closed on 11 April and 17 April.
In addition, we offer you 1:1 career guidance until 31 May 2024. The appointments are available for you via JobTeaser. As an OAMK student, you can book an appointment at ohjausajanvaraus(at)oulu.fi. Please remember, that you should book an appointment with one career coach at a time.
Highlights of our services in spring 2024:
10 April 2024: At the TE Office pop-up event in front of the Career Centre from 12-3 pm, you can hear and ask about the services of the North Ostrobothnia Employment Office and get information on job search opportunities.
23 April 2024: Finnish working life for students is a workshop where you will get to discuss some of the main principles, myths and unwritten rules of Finnish working life and working culture to ensure that you hit the ground running when you enter Finnish working life. You will also learn about the taxes, pensions, unemployment funds, unions and support networks available for international employees. Please, register here.
9 April – 7 May: The Arctic Advisors provide guidance on living in Oulu and the university life every Tuesday in front of the Career Centre at 12-13 pm.
Until the 31 May: When you have a job interview scheduled, we will help you prepare for it in the Mock interview. Please book an appointment through JobTeaser or by visiting the Career Centre. When booking an appointment, please remember to include information about the job you are applying for and a link to the job ad to your career coach.
When hunting a job, check out the JobTeaser career portal job and internship offers targeted specifically for University of Oulu students from all fields of study. The service is available to you until the end of your study right, and we recommend taking advantage of the career portal also in the last meters of your studies. Sign up for the JobTeaser here!
We wish you a sunny springtime 😊
Please, find more information about our services on the Career Centre website and on JobTeaser.