You Can Help Ukrainians in Many Ways in Oulu

Based on unofficial information, about 400 Ukrainians escaping the war have already registered in Northern Ostrobothnia. In addition to Finnish Red Cross and other major support providers, representatives of the Ukrainian community in Oulu are highly active. On the website "Oulu to Ukraine: How can I help?" (link at the end of this article), the group gives details on donating money to official funds, volunteering in Oulu, and collection of humanitarian help.
What items do refugees in Oulu need right now?

Did you already add to your calendar the donation collection event on Tuesday 5 April 2022 held in Linnanmaa campus to help Ukrainian refugees locally? If not, please make sure to do so and prepare to contribute.

We have published a list including items that are needed right now including clothing; kitchen utensils and household appliances; cleaning supplies; hygiene products; furniture; entertainment for children and food. Please read it carefully when deciding on what you will bring.

Could you volunteer at Help Center Ukraine Oulu?

The Help Center Ukraine Oulu is about to open in the Oulu city centre on Saaristonkatu 13 . Contact to check for volunteering possibilities. The latest information is also provided on the Facebook page "Help Ukrainian refugees in Finland".

You can also read more about the Help Center in MunOulu (in Finnish).

Do you speak Ukrainian or Russian, or can you help with English conversation skills?

Ukrainian refugees in Oulu face major problems with language skills. If you are fluent in Ukrainian or Russian and in Finnish or English, consider volunteering to help in interpretation in everyday situations. Currently, interpretation is organised mostly during specific info sessions.

Another means to help is make yourself available for friendly language exchanges, either virtual or face to face, so that individual Ukrainians or small groups can practice their English conversation skills. Especially children and teenagers would benefit of this opportunity to boost up their English skills already before starting school after receiving their permits.

Contact to sign up.

Could you consider helping by organising activities?

Could you consider taking a group of newcomers for a walk in the city showing where is the library, shops for buying the most important necessities, where to get a prepaid SIM card and so on? Getting to know one´s new surroundings is highly important. Would you want to offer a helping hand by organising language café or showing different hobby possibilities in Oulu area? Contact to check for volunteering possibilities or proposing an activity you might be interested in organising.

Oulu to Ukraine: How can I help?

Last updated: 30.3.2022