The opening hours of buildings

On this page you can find the opening hours of the buildings of the University of Oulu.

Linnanmaa campus

University main building:

Mon–Thu 7.00–16.15
Fri 7.00–15.45
Sat–Sun closed

Entrance doors R, 2T, G, X, X1, X5, A3, B1:

weekdays 7.00–19.00
Sat 8.00–15.00
Sun closed

Entrance door A:

weekdays 7.00–20.00
Sat 10.00–17.00
Sun closed

Tietotalo (door E):

Mon–Fri 7.00–17.00
Sat–Sun closed

Environmental Sciences Building (door M):

Mon–Fri 7.00–17.00
Sat–Sun closed

PSOAS lounge:

Mon–Thu 7.00–18.00
Fri 7.00–17.00
Sat–Sun closed

Kontinkangas campus

weekdays 7.30–15.45
Sat–Sun closed

Other University campus areas

Teacher Training School, secondary school:

Mon–Thu 7.30–16.15
Fri 7.30–15.00
Sat–Sun closed

Teacher Training School, primary school:

Mon–Fri 7.30–15.00
Sat–Sun closed

Koskela School:

Mon–Thu 7.30–15.00
Fri 7.30–14.00
Sat–Sun closed

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