Pegasus Library's noise level signs

Pegasus Library is not a completely quiet area, but the different spaces in the library have different noise levels. By following the noise level signs in the library, you will find the right working space for your needs at the time.
The noise level signs on the doors of the facilities and on the pillars in the lobby areas tell the level of noise allowed in different spaces.

Lounge area

The lounge area includes the library lobby areas where normal use of voice and conversation is allowed.

Working area

In working areas such as the Linguistics and History collection halls located on the second floor, the reading room loan storage space PK201, and the self-study space PK315 located on the third floor gallery, you can work with a laptop, for example, but the devices must be kept on silent mode and talking is prohibited.

Silent area

For example the quiet reading room Lukupesä (PK226) located in the History collection hall on the second floor of the library, is a completely silent area where you are not allowed to talk or use mobile devices. See the location of Lukupesä.