6Aika: Co-Created Health and Wellbeing

CoHeWe program

The CoHeWe project developed the role of companies to operate as a co-innovator and co-developer with the health and wellbeing services of the cities, research organizations, and other partners.


CoHeWe logo
Persons hand pointing at a pad screen, with a handheld device next to it.

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

European Structural and Investment Funds - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Project funder

Uudenmaan liitto

Funding amount

1 894 253 EUR

Project coordinator

Tampere University Hospital (Pirkanmaa Hospital District)

Contact information

Project leader

  • Professor of practice
    Maritta Perälä-Heape

Contact person

Project description

6Aika Co-Created Health and Wellbeing, shortly CoHeWe project, was one of the sustainable urban development projects of six main cities of Finland. The CoHeWe project developed the role of companies to operate as a co-innovator and co-developer with the health and wellbeing services of the cities, research organisations and other partners.

The project united existing different service innovation and development methods and created a co-creation process model and procedures for the health, wellbeing, and social service’s business development and procurement. The needs for co-development was gathered from citizens, customers and healthcare professionals. The project focused especially on the service development of a proactive and active wellbeing. The project completed 35 co-creation cases with companies in total and six of them was piloted in Oulu. Key focus in Oulu was in piloting mobile solutions for the health and welfare and for the social care services.

6Aika - Smart Cities Work Together

Project results

The CoHeWe innovation piloting offered the companies both the possibility for the validation of the new service concepts and models as well as market references for procurement on national level. The co-operation and innovation with the cities resulted practices and tools to support the co-creation process model. The project resulted an open publication From Need to Solution - Co-creation handbook for social welfare and health care (In Finnish: TARPEESTA RATKAISUKSI – Yhteiskehittämisen opas sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa).

CoHeWe project results (in Finnish)


  • University of Oulu
  • City of Oulu
  • Tampere University Hospital (Pirkanmaa Hospital District as Coordinator)
  • City of Tampere
  • City of Vantaa
  • Laurea University of Applied Sciences
  • Forum Virium Helsinki