ADMA3 Summer/Winter School - Advanced Materials Doctoral Program with Industry

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Other International
Project funder
Funding amount
698 027 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
The demand for minerals and metals to make future societies more sustainable and competitive against the climate change, emphasizes the urgent need for multi- and transdisciplinary experts to manage sustainable development (SD) and businesses. Constantly, changing conditions create demands connected to the availability of raw materials, energy transition, threats caused by climate change and biodiversity loss. In addition, ability to solve ethics-related problems is essential in all the phases of mine life cycle, e.g., during exploration, strengthening minerals processing, creating sustainable solutions to reduce emissions and wastes, and minimizing water and energy consumption.
The ADMA3 School gives comprehensive skills to understand SD and sustainability assessment, the role of remote sensing in mining activities, as well as research and professional ethics, and research integrity. With this education, the learners will also get hands-on experience in utilising new and combining existing tools to support the raw materials sector, whether working in the mining industry, academic sectors, in start-up companies. The expected profile of students (e.g., MSc, PhD, life-long learning students) including personnel of companies is cross-disciplinary, i.e., students from engineering, economy, and natural sciences. This enables better coverage of new skills in different geographical areas. Blended learning methods are used in courses, with in-class teaching periods associated with online studies.
The ADMA3 School is funded by EIT RawMaterials (co-funded by the European Union), and has four partners: University of Oulu, Politecnico di Milano, Tallinn University of Technology and Feasib Ltd. In addition, the following companies collaborate in the school: Muon Solutions Ltd, SSAB Ltd, Tapojärvi Ltd, Nokia Solutions and Networks Ltd, Radai Ltd, ERION, OPIGEO SRL, Global Boiler Works Ltd, and Outokumpu Group.
Project actions
The following courses will be developed and piloted in the project:
- SDG in engineering research (5 ECTS) (autumn 2023)
- Stakeholders of sustainable development (5 ECTS) (spring 2024)
- Sustainability assessment (5 ECTS) (summer 2025)
- Ethics and working life skills (5 ECTS) (spring 2024)
- Remote sensing and GIS technologies for monitoring sustainability of mining infrastructures and environments and explorations of resources (5 ECTS) (spring 2025)
- Practical approach in mines (5-10 ECTS) (summer 2024, 2025)
More detailed information on the content and implementation of the courses will be available on the course-specific websites (links to be updated).