Arctic Pollution in a One Health perspective – from complex challenges to sustainable solutions


ArcSolution is a project that aims to reduce pollution in the Arctic using a comprehensive approach that considers both environmental and human health.


Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Horizon Europe

Funding amount

6 000 000 EUR

Project coordinator

Other university or unit

Contact information

Contact person

Project description

The ArcSolution project is an international effort to tackle pollution challenges in the Arctic using a comprehensive One Health approach. The project will study pollutants like organic chemicals, heavy metals, microplastics, and pathogens in the changing Arctic. The project aims to develop sustainable technologies and strategies to protect Arctic ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. The focus is on integrating environmental, health, and social sciences with local knowledge to create resilience and adaptation strategies, enhance societal involvement, and improve environmental and human health through better monitoring and impactful regulations.

ArcSolution is working with participatory approach. Local schools, municipalities, and Indigenous communities will be directly involved through citizen science initiatives, allowing residents to contribute to pollution monitoring and mitigation efforts. ArcSolution operates in four study sites; Northern Norway (Tromsø and Skjervoy), Northern Finland (Inari), Greenland (Nuuk, East Greenland Ittoqqortoormiit and Svalbard (Longyearbyen).

The ArcSolution project brings together experts from top institutions in Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Greenland, Switzerland, China, and Canada. Nord University from Norway is the coordinator of the project, and Professor Jon Øyvind Odland, a medical doctor, epidemiologist, and specialist in obstetrics and women’s health, is the scientific coordinator of the ArcSolution.

University of Oulu staff involved in the project:

Lead of WP2

Prof. Arja Rautio, arja.rautio (at)

Post doctoral researchers in WP2

Dr. Anna Reetta Rönkä, anna.r.ronka (at)
Dr. Riitta-Marja Leinonen, riitta-marja.leinonen (at)
Dr. Ulla Timlin, ulla.timlin (at)
Dr. Anastasia Emelyanova, anastasia.emelyanova (at)
Dr. Saranya Palaniswamy, saranya.palaniswamy (at)

Researcher in WP2
Adjunct professor Mervi Heikkinen, mervi.heikkinen (at)

Research groups