Artificial intelligence in the ecosystem of the creative and cultural industry (CCI) - LuovAIn!

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
European Structural Funds - European Social Fund Plus (ESF+)
Project coordinator
Other university or unit
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
Creative and cultural industries (CCI) are central to the diverse development and well-being of society, generating and maintaining social inclusion, economic well-being and growth and employment based on creative skills. (TEM, 2020) These sectors also contribute to a wider European identity, culture and values, while providing growth opportunities and jobs, especially for young people, and supporting social cohesion (European Commission, 2023). However, with globalization and technological development, these sectors must also be able to adapt and renew themselves in order to remain viable. The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in productization and innovation has been recognized in many sectors, but its utilization in the creative and cultural industries is only at the beginning not only in Finland, but also more broadly in Europe (H2020 DISCE, 2022). The goal of this project is to strengthen the role of the creative and cultural industries as part of the economy's productivity and sustainable competitiveness, by promoting the use of artificial intelligence in the different stages of the design process (the so-called double diamond: discover, define, design, deliver).
In addition, the project will increase the interaction of CCI operators in order to identify new (cross-)regional cooperation opportunities, as well as to promote strategic brand expertise and smart and sustainable growth. In addition to traditional CCI operators, business and regional developers nationwide will be involved in the project in order to jointly develop business expertise related to the creative and cultural sectors and to strengthen the capacity of platform economy expertise.
In the LuovAIn! project, the multidisciplinary interaction of LuKu operators is increased in order to identify new national and interregional cooperation opportunities, as well as to promote brand expertise, AI copyright expertise (European Commission, 2022), and smart and sustainable growth. In addition to traditional LuKu operators, business and regional developers nationwide will be involved in the project in order to strengthen the capacity of business expertise and digital co-development expertise related to the creative and cultural sectors.
The main goals of the project can be divided as follows:
a) Promote the application of artificial intelligence in innovation activities in the creative and cultural sectors nationwide, including its potential to improve creative development processes and customer understanding. The application of artificial intelligence is also promoted by taking into account special issues related to the utilization of artificial intelligence, e.g. Regarding IPR, ethics, and the nature of creative work.
b) Identify and pilot artificial intelligence tools and cooperation practices that support innovation in the creative and cultural sectors, cross-regional co-development, and new business models.
c) Strengthen the ecosystems of the creative fields by promoting multidisciplinary cooperation between universities, micro-actors in the creative and cultural fields, companies, and the public sector. In this way, it is possible to ensure the wide-ranging development of expertise and tourism capabilities, as well as resources in the application of artificial intelligence in the creative and cultural sectors.
d) Increase the artificial intelligence skills of creative industry operators and ecosystems as part of sustainable and ethical business and strengthening cultural capital.
- Mapping of artificial intelligence tools and expertise (toolkit).
- Strengthening of digital co-development expertise (operational model & practices)
- Improvement of artificial intelligence expertise: Roadshow events in creative spaces across Finland, with the help of which artificial intelligence expertise is widely disseminated.
- Implementation of the self-evaluation and learning platform: The material produced during the project is structured on the platform and is available and usable even after the project.
More information about the LuovAIn! project
Kuva: ©Taru Turpeinen