
Boosting Space Business - the Aurora Region Space Economy Ecosystem

The project's main objective is to boost space business and therefore enhance the space innovation ecosystem which presently regulates the Aurora region's space innovation. At the end of the project, an evolved space innovation ecosystem will exist that supports smart specialization in space and maximizes the probability for growth with new businesses created.


Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Multiple sources

Project coordinator

Other university or unit

Project description

The project consortium of university and research institutes focuses on the enhancing of the space innovation ecosystem in the Aurora Interreg region for new business creation. By supporting and guiding this ecosystem's form and functions, the project intend to drive it more efficiently advance commercial and sustainability goals. The project will facilitate current and future development and functionality of a cross-border innovation ecosystem for enhanced collaboration and new space business opportunities and competitiveness.

The project will:

  • Improve commercial space ecosystem in the region
  • Clarify space governancy issues resulting from the different national space strategies
  • Implement a space-supportive academia-industry education, mobility and exchange component to spur innovation and research network actions
  • Improve competitiveness of SMEs in the region
  • Produce better defined and well funcioning space economy ecosystem for the businesses across the FIN/SWE/NOR region

The lead partner in this consortium is Vaasa University. More information about the project is available from the AuroraSpace-website.