Co-planning of land use sector climate change mitigation in the Kiiminkijoki river catchment


In this project, we construct a comprehensive plan of land use sector climate measures for Kiiminkijoki catchment, located in northern Finland. The ensemble of climate measures is planned so that it is environmentally sustainable, socially just, and economically feasible and it contributes to climate mitigation efforts, increases carbon storages and improves water quality in the catchment area.


Kiiminkijoki on tärkeä myös virkistyskäytössä. Kuva Hannu I. Heikkinen.
Kiiminkijoki river is important for the region's inhabitants. Photo Hannu I. Heikkinen.

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Other Finnish

Project funder

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Funding amount

499 000 EUR

Project coordinator

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Contact information

Project leader

Contact person

Other persons

Project description

Co-planning of land use sector climate change mitigation in the Kiiminkijoki river catchment (MATKI)

In Finland, climate change mitigation in the land use sector concentrates on peatland dominated areas. However, local actors have limited knowledge how to prioritize and target climate measures within catchment areas. In this project, we construct a comprehensive plan of land use sector climate measures for Kiiminkijoki catchment, located in northern Finland. The ensemble of climate measures is planned so that it is environmentally sustainable, socially just, and economically feasible. The project gathers natural and social scientists as well as local actors into a transdisciplinary co-planning process that integrates science and practice, and which enables active commitment of local actors. In the process, we firstly choose which climate measures are assessed with which criteria, secondly, conduct a pilot of sub-catchment ecological management planning, and thirdly, perform a multicriteria assessment with which the collaboratively accepted measures are chosen. The chosen measures are included in a road map, which defines responsible actors, preliminary timetable, and possible funding source for each measure. While the measures are not widely implemented during the project, they are planned to be implemented before 2035. The project starts a transition towards lower climate emissions and increased sinks in the catchment. Project also aims to improve water quality in the catchment area and promotes to local commitment for climate work.

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