DigiHealth Knowledge Hub
DigiHealth Hub

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
European Structural and Investment Funds - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Project funder
Funding amount
679 000 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Contact information
Project leader
- Professor of practiceMaritta Perälä-Heape
Contact person
Project description
DigiHealth Hub accelerated research and innovation activities on prevention, treatment, and personalized medicine, and it speed up the adoption of digital innovations and the joint development of knowledge-based services. It generated and disseminated information on best practices and opportunities in RDI collaboration and acted as a communicator and evaluator, thus accelerating the sharing of good research and innovation practices.
DigiHealth Hub, in collaboration with Digital Health research programme and OuluHealth ecosystem, supports digital transformation in the health and wellbeing sector by providing access to the latest knowledge, scientific expertise, technology and easy entry to innovation ecosystems and multi-partner cooperation (regional, national, international).
DigiHealth Hub is a focal point of support in the fields of
- Health data practices and competences in analytics for data-driven health and wellbeing innovations
- Deployment and assessing digital health services (mHealth, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics)
We support research and innovation to solve challenges in data-driven health and wellbeing by
- Increasing knowledge by sharing best practices and expertise
- Boosting innovation by creating and providing new tools, methods, and guidance
- Opening collaboration opportunities by building and coordinating new research and innovation partnerships
The project's aim was to develop national knowledge platforms and growth ecosystems to utilize digitization, mass data, wireless technologies, and robotics in the areas of well-being and health. The Hub exchanged experience and information specifically on the health data exploitation practices, on the health technology assessment framework creation, and in exploiting enabling technologies like data analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and digital technologies. In addition, Hub supported the development of research, innovation, and business collaboration, the adoption of innovations, and the growth of global business in the health sector.
The concept development of DigiHealth Hub happened in the project funded by the Regional Council of Northern Ostrobothnia (funding from the European Regional Development Fund) under the official name Oulu DigiHealth Knowledge Hub.
The basis for starting the operations of the knowledge network was strong cross-sectoral research and an already existing, strong OuluHealth innovation ecosystem model. Based on these, the research and innovation actions could be further strengthened amidst the digital transformation.
Project results
DigiHealth Hub constructed national (Hyteairo Analytics network, HYTKI ecosystem) and international knowledge networks and was responsible for international cooperation in identifying and comparing the success factors of digital change.
As the aim was to identify and create methods and models for sharing and utilizing health data that support research, clinical decision-making, and personalized management of data. In addition, DigiHealth Hub developed a reliable method for assessing the functional and economic impact of digital technologies and services (Digi-HTA).
The Hub strengthened expertise regarding security and data protection, the development of ethically sustainable methods related to the utilization and sharing of health data, and the application of appropriate artificial intelligence in the health and social sphere. The Hub strengthened also research and innovation capabilities in the utilization of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analysis in health and medicine.