DREAMS - Database for Radically Enhancing Additive Manufacturing and Standardization

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Business Finland
Funding amount
1 118 969 EUR
Project coordinator
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
Additive manufacturing (AM) is used more and more in Finland every year, but its utilization can still be significantly increased. The young sector suffers from lack of standardization and material-technical differences when compared to traditional manufacturing methods. The DREAMS project will create a comprehensive and open material database by researching about 10 000 metal test rods that will be manufactured from different metals with different 3D printers and using different methods.
The University of Oulu’s Kerttu Saalasti Institute’s Future Manufacturing Technologies (FMT) research group is part of the university's Centre for Advanced Steels Research (CASR) and one of the implementers of the project. The DREAMS consortium’s research section is being implemented in cooperation with LUT University and the University of Turku. Close cooperation with other universities and industry enables mechanical testing and in-depth metallographic examination of up to 10,000 metal test pieces, taking into account production technical aspects. The research work will produce new information to support the design and manufacture of demanding pieces, thus responding to the problems caused by insufficient standardization. The information generated in the project will be documented in an open database.
The 6 million EUR project is funded by Business Finland (Sustainable Manufacturing Finland Programme) and the participating companies. The University of Oulu's share of the funding is 1.1 million EUR. DREAMS project is led by DIMECC Ltd (FAME ecosystem - Finnish Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem) and is being implemented using the model of joint development as a joint project of companies and universities, in which case the benefits to be achieved can be shared among the entire Finnish industry.
The DREAMS consortium includes Citec, Elomatic, Etteplan, Lillbacka Powerco, Patria, Raute, Vilpe, Wärtsilä, the University of Oulu, LUT University and the University of Turku.