Earth-Space Research Ecosystem
The project examines interaction of the atmosphere and space environment, and the effect of their natural phenomena on our everyday life. The space as well as the atmospheric environment are in constant change, the effects of these changes are seen in cyclically fluctuating ozone layer thickness, geomagnetic activity, radio disturbances, and changing climate including carbon and water cycles.
Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Multiple sources
Project funder
Academy of Finland
Oulu University
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Metsähovi Radio Observatory
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Project description
The Earth-space Research Ecosystem (E2S) consist of observations from Tähtelä and Metsähovi megasites. Both megasites are one of the best-equipped sites in the northern regions and data collected for over 170 years enable studying cyclical changes in the Arctic environment. Tähtelä and Metsähovi megasites form globally unique infrastructure covering measurements from distant and near-Earth space to atmosphere and ground. The combined infrastructure enable resolving how
- to separate natural and man-made GPS disturbances from each others,
- how the radio environment evolves in different time-scales,
- how to best predict geohazards and solar storm effecst to our society's daily operation, and
- how the Arctic environment change over the seasons, years, decades and centuries.
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
Consortium director
Eija Tanskanen
Consortium coordinator
Maarit Keskinen