EUROPAIN - EUROpean-Pain-Audit-In-Neonates


EUROPAIN (EUROpean Pain Audit In Neonates) was a prospective cohort study.

Project information

Project duration


Funding amount

2 300 000 EUR

Project coordinator

Armand Trousseau Hospital

Contact information

Contact person

Project description

EUROPAIN (EUROpean Pain Audit In Neonates) was a prospective cohort study. A total of 6680 neonates were enrolled in 243 NICUs in 18 European countries. The aim of this project was to determine the current clinical practices regarding the use of sedative and analgesic drugs for ventilated newborns in neonatal intensive care units across different countries in Europe. For Finland, Norway and Sweden the collected data included also comfort measures/non-pharmacological treatment based on the documents in neonates’ patient records.

Project results

There were wide variations in treatment practices between different NICUs and different countries. Widespread use of O-SH-GA (opioids, sedatives-hypnotics, general anesthetics) in intubated neonates prolonged their need for mechanical ventilation. The availability of these data will enable comparison of practices with state-of-the-art knowledge and develop a new European standard care for pain relief in its most vulnerable population.

The most important published papers:

Carbajal R, Eriksson M, Courtous E, Boyle E, Avila-Alvarez A, Dovland Andersen R, Sarafidis K, Pölkki T, Matos C, Lago P, Papadouri T, Attard Montalto S, Ilmoja M-L, Simons S, Tameliene R, van Overmeire B, Berger A, Dobrzanska A, Schroth M, Bergqvist L, Lagercrantz H, Anand KJ; EUROPAIN Survey Working Group. Sedation and analgesia practices in neonatal intensive care units (EUROPAIN): results from a prospective cohort study. Lancet Respir Med 2015: 3(10):796-812. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(15)00331-8.

Anand KJS, Eriksson M, Boyle EM, Avila-Alvarez A, Andersen RD, Sarafidis K, Pölkki T, Matos C, Lago P, Papadouri T, Attard Montalto S, Ilmoja M-L, Simons S, Tameliene R, van Overmeire B, Berger A, Dobrzanska A, Schroth M, Bergqvist L, Courtois E, Rousseau J, Carbajal R; EUROPAIN Survey Working Group of the NeoOpioid Consortium. Assessment of continuous pain in newborns admitted to NICUs in 18 European countries. Acta Paediatrica 2017; 106(8): 1248−1259. doi: 10.1111/apa.13810. doi: 10.1111/apa.13810.



Project coordinator

Armand Trousseau Hospital, Paris, France

EUROPAIN was part of the NeoOpioid-project (coordinator Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)


National Principal Investigators from 18 European countries