Project information
Project duration
Funding amount
1 624 989 EUR
Project coordinator
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
FINES2EAF - Cement-free brick production technology for the use of primary and secondary raw material fines in EAF steelmaking
Recent years have seen a world-wide change in the environmental policy towards integrated pollution prevention and control, taking into account all environmental media. It is estimated that steel-making activities in Europe produce about 80 million tonnes annually of by-products and waste, equivalent to half of the European steel production, of which more than 10 million tonnes is waste for disposal. This waste of resources and land area is not sustainable and has to be decreased in the future. The Fines2EAF project aims to increase the value of steelmaking residues by internal recycling and (re)use in the form of cement-free bricks. The benefit of this strategy is threefold: improved utilization of residues, internal recovery of metals and reduction of the amount of dumped materials. Through demonstration by operational tests the technology of cement-free bricks could become more acceptable for the steel works. The approach followed is the development of an innovative process to produce cement-free bricks on the basis of primary and secondary raw material fines, alternative binder systems and a hydraulic stamp press. The bricks have to possess sufficient cold compression strength for lowabrasion handling and, for self-reducing bricks, sufficient reduction behaviour and metallurgical performance. To achieve these goals the fundamental understanding of the bricks, their manufacturing and their subsequent use in the EAF is necessary.
Project actions
Project activities will develop methods, processes and solutions for:
- Economic (re)using of low volume primary and secondary raw material fines in EAF steelmaking;
- Closing inter-sectoral material loops within the EAF steelmaking route by production of tailormade high quality charge materials for the EAF;
- Recovery of metals in secondary raw material fines;
- Reducing the amount of waste materials, environmental impact and saving costs of raw materials.