FUELGAE - Sustainable On-site and Innovative Technologies for Advanced Transport BioFuels from MicroalGae
Funded by the European Union

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Horizon Europe - Research & Innovation Action (RIA)
Funding amount
393 632 EUR
Project coordinator
Other university or unit
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
The FuelGae project aims to develop a novel model of advanced liquid fuels (ALF) production from different CO2 emissions streams of two industrial sectors (biorefinery and energy intensive industries) through a microalgae pilot plant integrated into their infrastructure. The performance of the selected microalgae strains will be improved by adapting them to each industrial case study. The ALF production will be addressed developing different technologies: i) selective production of microalgae to obtain polysaccharides or lipids, ii) alternative microalgal biomass treatments, iii) innovative catalytic upgrading systems from biocrude., iv) online microalgae sensor. Additionally, to the previously innovative technologies, FuelGae concept uses modelling techniques integrated into Process Analytical Techniques to develop a global Digital Twin (DT).
Furthermore, the C-economy of FuelGae approach will be significantly improved through hydrothermal liquefaction and, biogas processes. The biochar produced will be tested in agricultural uses creating synergies with energy and biocrude generation. All technologies will be upscaled to TRL5 in the two case study sites; the microalgae pilot plant will be transported and validated in the two industrial sites in Romania (steel plant) and Spain (2G-bioethanol). FuelGae technologies will be further evaluated through life cycle assessment (LCA/LCC) to confirm their lower environmental impact, use of resources, or GHG emissions, and a first approach of economical sustainability. DT will be coupled with LCA-LCC to provide a global and dynamic assessment of the FuelGae concept.
FuelGae will contribute to advancing the European scientific basis and global technological leadership in the area of renewable fuels, increase their technology competitiveness and role in transforming the energy system on a fossil-free basis by 2050, in particular in the sectors like aviation and shipping, while supporting the EU goals for energy independence.
More information: https://fuelgae.eu/
Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement 101122151. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.