HARKKA - From training to working life in changing operating environments in the health sector


The aim of the project is to develop, in co - operation among higher education intistutions, diverse and multidisciplinary training environments and practices in health education.

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

European Structural and Investment Funds - European Social Fund (ESF)

Funding amount

1 188 566 EUR

Project coordinator

Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu

Contact information

Contact person

Project description

The University of Oulu is involved in the HARKKA project - From training to working life in changing operating environments in the health sector, coordinated by Oulu University of Applied Sciences. The aim of the project is to develop, in co - operation among higher education intistutions, diverse and multidisciplinary training environments and practices in health education. The aim is to ensure a smooth graduation of health care students and a smooth transition to working life by developing clinical environments and practices.

A key outcome will be a nationwide homogeneous approach to practicing the clinical and multidisciplinary skills of health students in authentic, simulated, and digital clinical learning environments. The results of the project can be used by all national and also international health universities.



Kajaani University of Applied Sciences

University of Oulu

Lapland University of Applied Sciences

Lapland University

Lahti University of Applied Sciences

Savonia University of Applied Sciences

Tampere University of Applied Sciences