HSEQ management

IEM Oulu collaborates closely with the Finnish HSEQ® cluster, a large industrial network developing their suppliers’ HSEQ performance. This collaboration has resulted in several research projects, publications and theses.
Currently, cluster companies’ industrial safety capabilities and resilience are being examined from COVID-19 and future disruptions perspectives in the DISC4R project.

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Other Finnish

Project funder

The Finnish Work Environment Fund (Työsuojelurahasto)

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Project description

IEM examines industrial safety and resilience in the COVID-19 context within the process and energy industries. The aim of the two-year project DISC4R (Dynamic Industrial Safety Capabilities for Resilience, 2021-2023) is to identify and assess organisational capabilities that increase resilience and enable industrial organisations and their supply chains to restore or to exceed, their levels of performance when facing large-scale disruptions. The project is done in close collaboration with the Finnish HSEQ® cluster (www.hseq.fi) and its large industrial partners. In addition, experiences from the European context are collected in collaboration with the University of Kragujevac from Serbia and Politecnico di Torino from Italy. The IEM project team includes Dr. Arto Reiman, Dr. Osmo Kauppila and doctoral researcher M.Sc. Suvi Leinonen. Doctoral researcher Suvi Leinonen documents her dissertation project in her blog: https://matkallatekniikantohtoriksi.blogspot.com/

More information on the project in Finnish here: https://www.tsr.fi/hankkeet-ja-tutkimustieto/teollisuusturvallisuuden-ja-resilienssin-hallinnan-dynaamiset-kyvykkyydet-opit-ja-hyvat-kaytannot-koronakriisista-safera/

HSEQ related research and teaching