Immersive Extended Reality Environments with Cache-aided Directional Access

This project uniquely focuses on developing cache-aided mmWave-based wireless solutions that will reliably provide seamless high data rates and low latencies for future extended reality applications given the specifics of directional mmWave connectivity.

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Multiple sources (Spearhead projects of centres for multidisciplinary research)

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Project description

Project leader: Associate Professor Antti Tölli

One of the main 6G drivers is about creating and consuming new virtual or digital twin worlds. To this end, the next step in the evolution of human-computer interfaces will bring forward emerging immersive digital experience applications that submerge users in the 3D digital world and allow them to interact with virtual or digital twin objects. This project uniquely focuses on developing cache-aided mmWave-based wireless solutions that will reliably provide seamless high data rates and low latencies for future extended reality applications given the specifics of directional mmWave connectivity. The aim is to provide optimized dynamic cache replacement strategies, such that the content relevant to identified system-wide bottleneck areas is proactively incentivized for storage at user devices. Furthermore, cache-aided multiantenna-based coded content delivery mechanisms are developed to facilitate the extremely high area capacity required by the multi-user immersive experience.

Strategic research project of the University of Oulu

Focus institute: Infotech Oulu

Faculty: Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE)