Intelligent Kainuu - Smart anticipation of companies and competence development in Kainuu

The Intelligent Kainuu project supports ICT-related working life-oriented competence, development of working life, continuous learning and flexible educational paths in the Kainuu-Koillismaa employment area. The project enhances region's competitiveness by improving educational opportunities and availability of competent labour.


logo kajaani
Älykäs Kainuu landscape

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Multiple sources

Project funder

European Structural Funds - European Social Fund (ESF+)
The City of Kajaani

Funding amount

390 735 EUR

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Project leader

  • Johtaja
    Eva Maria Raudasoja

Project description

The Intelligent Kainuu - Smart anticipation of companies and competence development in Kainuu project works as a business-based network supporting cooperation between companies and educational organisations, helping companies in anticipating future working life needs, increasing multidisciplinary cooperation between research and education as well as boosting regional attractiveness.

The project coordinated by the University of Oulu is working closely with companies, educational organisations and regional development actors in the Kainuu-Koillismaa area in order to build up joint cooperation model integrating continuous learning with research, development and innovation actions. The project develops flexible paths towards higher education through business-based learning pilots resulting to a plan for implementing ICT-related university education in the region. The visibility and effectiveness of the Kajaani University Consortium as well as the University of Oulu will be enforced in the Kainuu-Koillismaa area.

The city of Kajaani is co-funding the project. The Intelligent Kainuu project supports the strategic policies of the Kajaani city in order to enforce ICT-related educational ecosystem, work-life based learning and regional competitiveness.