New perspectives on childhood in Finland (1600–1900): funerary attire as an indicator of status of children
Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Research Council of Finland - Academy Research Fellow
Funding amount
485 722 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
This project regenerates archaeological childhood studies through examining the status of children in Post-medieval Finland (1600–1900), not forgetting the european and worldwide perspectives. The most challenging questions are related to the socialization of children as well as finding children's own voices in the archaeological funerary materials, especially clothing of the deceased. These will be approached through application of archaeological theories of emotions, performance and identity research through clothes. Multidisciplinary methodologies such as bioanthropological knowledge of the deceased, fiber, textile, dye and dyestuff analyses (HPLC, SEMedx) of the clothes and Computed Tomography scanning, previously under-utilized methodology in archaeology, will be used in order to discuss the material.