NOHEVA -Low-carbon crisis preparedness from wooden construction and tourism

The NOHEVA project aims to strengthen the visibility of North Ostrobothnia as a cluster for solid wood construction, where companies in the value chain operate in a network based on low-carbon solutions. Secondly, the project will promote industrial tourism by bringing together companies from the wood and tourism sectors.


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Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Multiple sources

Project funder

Co-funded by European Union
Nitek - Nivalan Teknologiakeskus
City of Nivala
Kerttu Saalasti Foundation

Funding amount

258 556 EUR

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Project leader

Project description

By acting as a "showcase" for ecological wood construction, the wood construction network will attract national and international visitors to the region. Thirdly, NOHEVA will support the preparedness of wood and tourism businesses in the event of crises and exceptional circumstances. It will also increase the awareness and capacity of decision-makers in the region to adapt to various crises and changes caused by climate change.

The project is based on the development of a network of companies in Nivala and wider North Ostrobothnia focusing on industrial solid wood construction and modular construction. The network includes experts in construction design and CLT production, electrical and plumbing installers, suppliers of building materials and components, and transport companies. In NOHEVA, companies, under the guidance of experts, are shaping a vision for the future of the sector, anticipating potential crises and legislative changes, and preparing for the impact of climate change on business.

The project will strengthen the visibility of North Ostrobothnia as a centre for solid wood construction, where companies in the value chain operate as a network. The companies' operations are crisis-resistant and based on low-carbon solutions.

The aim is that the innovative wood construction network will attract business and leisure tourists interested in nature to the region. The project will develop sustainable nature tourism businesses, making use of the wide range of nature tourism attractions in the area. This will increase the interest of those interested in natural and ecological development to travel to the area.

As a result of the project, the value chain of solid wood construction in the province will function economically and ecologically sustainable. The project will increase the knowledge and preparedness of wood construction and nature tourism companies and other stakeholders, such as municipalities, for the risks posed by climate change. Increased crisis preparedness will also strengthen regional security. Networked businesses will also be better equipped to do business in a responsible way internationally.

Project is funded by European Regional Development Fund via ELY Centre, POPELY. The main implementer is the University of Oulu's Kerttu Saalasti Institute, and the partners are Nivala Industrial Park Ltd (Nivalan Teollisuuskylä Oy), the city of Nivala, the Jokilaakso Educational Municipality Association JEDU and companies in the area. Kerttu Saalasti Foundation is a funder as well.

Contact information:
Ulla Lehtinen, Project Manager
+ 358 50 476 1624

Anna-Mari Simunaniemi, Research Director
+ 358 50 466 2832


Social media:
Facebook: NOHEVAmatkailu
LinkedIn: NOHEVA hanke