Restoration of wetlands to minimise emissions and maximise carbon uptake - a strategy for long term climate mitigation
Funded by the European Union

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Horizon Europe - Research & Innovation Action (RIA)
Project funder
Project coordinator
IDENER Research & Development
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
The REWET project will facilitate the sustainable restoration and conservation of terrestrial wetlands – freshwater wetlands, peatlands, and floodplains. To do so, REWET draws upon the network of carefully selected seven demonstrators (Open Labs ≥ 2400 ha in total) that cover a range of local conditions, geographic characteristics, governance structures and social/cultural settings to fully understand the wetlands-carbon-climate nexus and provide an replication plan to boost successful wetlands restoration throughout Europe and internationally. In the Open Labs, the most fit-for-purpose technologies will be applied for the monitoring of GHG (Eddy Covariance towers, satellite imagery, field measurements), biodiversity, and meteorological events. Furthermore, the social aspect will be analysed, by evaluating gender differences, locals, and key stakeholders acceptance.
REWET has two additional strong scientific pillars: the assessment of EU wetlands status in Europe and modelling. Together with the Open Labs, they will fill out the gaps on wetlands science and provide guidance for cost-effective restoration and monitoring practices that are environmentally friendly, compatible with the future climate and provide a wide range of ecosystem services.
As main outcomes, REWET will deliver a wetlands inventory with carbon sink potential, models for wetlands GHG emissions/sequestration under different scenarios including climate change, policy recommendations for wetlands restoration, sound business models and a roadmap for replication.
The REWET consortium is a transdisciplinary partnership between researchers, industry partners (SME), non-profit entities, responsible agencies at the local and watershed/regional level and one international organisation, dedicated to achieving the desired outcomes of the project.
The Finnish Open Lab (coordinator University of Eastern Finland (UEF)) in the REWET project will study the carbon sink potential and biodiversity of Ylpässuo (Kiuruvesi, Finland), affected by edge drainage in the surrounding forested area. The Finnish site provides data for the Northern boreal zone, while the other Open Labs cover more southern and western areas of Europe. Ylpässuo is a small, beautifully landscaped minerotrophic open mire in Kiuruvesi, with several endangered plant and bird species. The area is now conserved by The Natural Heritage Foundation after donation by UEF, ensuring the restoration process. Greenhouse gases will be measured with Eddy Covariance tower and water quality will be investigated in the site.
Project results
Please find the latest project actions and results from the official REWET project page.
Research groups