Sedimentary ancient DNA from the Arctic– A pilot study assessing paleobiodiversity in Kilpisjärvi ca. 1700 BC–1800 AD
The project focuses on long-term changes in Arctic biodiversity, utilizing the analysis of sedimentary ancient DNA, pollen analysis, and archaeology.

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Other Finnish
Project funder
Finnish Cultural Foundation
Funding amount
80 000 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Project leader
- Professor
Other persons
- Postdoctoral researcher
- Olga Lisitsyna
- PI, researcher
- Petra Oranen
Project description
The research assesses the possibilities of sedaDNA, pollen analysis, and archaeology to elucidate changes in species richness in the Arctic environment, particularly in association with the development of ancient reindeer hunting and herding societies.