Solar hydrogen unit as part of a versatile energy production, consumption and storage system.

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
European Structural Funds - Just Transition Fund (JTF)
Project funder
Funding amount
731 706 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
The aim of the project is to study and develop hydrogen production, storage and use in electricity and heat cogeneration such that all system components are connected to an intelligent electric and heat network. The intelligent network can be adapted, tuned and optimized based on changes occuring the environment. This way the flexibility and supply security of novel energy systems can be improved. The goal of the project is to implement, model and test hydrogen production, use and storage units. The new hydrogen units and their digital twins will be connected as part of an intelligent electric and heating network. The project is implemented in collaboration with the Oulu University of Applied Sciences.
Project actions
The project will be carried out in the following work packages (WP):
WP1: Project management and coordination
WP2: Preliminary study
WP3: Commissioning of equipment
WP4: Development and testing of solar hydrogen units
WP5: Optimization of the hydrogen system and integration with other energy infrastructure
WP6: Digital twins and their integration into the hybrid laboratory's information system
WP7: Demonstration of the project's activities and results to energy sector companies
Project trainings
The project will implement various workshops and demonstrations related to hydrogen systems.
Project results
In the project a system utilizing novel hydrogen technology will be developed and commissioned. A digital twin of the system will also be created.
The project uses systems built in a separate investment project for the research of solar hydrogen production, storage, and usage. The focus of the research is particularly on the management of an entity that includes various possibilities for the production, storage, transfer, and use of electricity and heat. The control system coordinates and optimizes the use of energy resources in the microgrid individually, taking into account the goals defined for network operation.
The system is placed in a hybrid laboratory, which already has a diverse energy infrastructure, including an intelligent heat and power network. The new physical and digital system will be connected to the existing system, allowing its operation and usage to be researched and tested very comprehensively.
The results of the project will be utilized in the educational activities of the organizations after the project.