South Karelian Allergy Research Project (SKARP)

South Karelian Allergy Research Project focuses on quantifying the occurrence of allergies and their risk factors in general child population.

Project information

Project duration


Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Project leader

  • Kaisa Pyrhönen

Project description

South Karelian Allergy Research Project focuses on quantifying the occurrence of allergies and their risk factors in general child population. In 2005-6, the questionnaire survey with complementary interviews for parents was carried out in all child health clinics of South Karelian area. In addition, results of allergy tests performed for children were retrospectively collected from patient records. The target population included all children living in the area and born between April 1, 2001 and March 31, 2006. The parents of almost 4000 children returned the questionnaire.

Project results


Pyrhönen K (2011) Food allergies and hypersensitivities among children in South Karelia. Occurrence, inheritance and seasonality. ISBN 978-951-42-9394-8. ISBN 978-951-42-9395-5 (PDF).

Peer reviewed publications:

Pyrhönen K, Kulmala P. Delivery mode and the incidence of atopic sensitization and food allergy in a Finnish child population. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2021 Jun 29. doi: 10.1111/pai.13584. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34184325.

Pyrhönen K, Kulmala P. Atopic diseases of the parents predict the offspring's atopic sensitization and food allergy. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2021 Jul;32(5):859-871. doi: 10.1111/pai.13462. Epub 2021 Jun 19. PMID: 33527507.

Pyrhönen K, Kulmala P. Occurrence of pollen season at the end of the first trimester predicts clinical atopic diseases in the offspring: A Finnish population-based study. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2020; 225: 113452.

Pyrhönen K, Kulmala P, Näyhä S, Läärä E. Diverse age-incidence patterns of atopic sensitization in an unselected Finnish population up to 12 years. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2019:122:522-531.e3.

Pyrhönen K, Kulmala P, Näyhä S. Coincidence of pollen season with the first fetal trimester together with early pet exposure is associated with sensitization to cat and dog allergens in early childhood: A Finnish population-based study. Clin Exp Allergy. 2018;48:306–316.

Pyrhönen K, Näyhä S, Läärä E. 'Dog and cat exposure and respective pet allergy in early childhood. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2015; 26: 247-255.

Pyrhönen K, Näyhä S, Hiltunen L, Läärä E. Caesarean section and allergic manifestations: insufficient evidence of association found in population-based study of children aged 1 to 4 years. Acta Paediatrica 2013;102: 982–989.

Pyrhönen K, Läärä E, Hiltunen L, Kaila M, Hugg T, Näyhä S. Season of the first trimester of pregnancy predicts sensitisation to food allergens in childhood: a population-based cohort study from Finland. J Epidemiol Community Health 2012;66:49-56.

Pyrhönen K, Hiltunen L, Kaila M, Näyhä S, Läärä E. Heredity of food allergies in an unselected child population: An epidemiological survey from Finland. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2011;22:e124–e132. DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3038.2010.01095.x.

Pyrhönen K, Hiltunen L, Näyhä S, Läärä E, Kaila M. Real life epidemiology of food allergy testing in Finnish children. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2011;22:361-368.

Pyrhönen K, Läära E, Kaila M, Hiltunen L, Näyha S. SKARP - A population-based cohort study of childhood food-associated symptoms perceived by parents and food allergies diagnosed by physicians: Design, methods and participation. Scand J Public Health 2011;39:194–202.

Pyrhönen K, Näyhä S, Kaila M, Hiltunen L, Läärä E. Occurrence of parent-reported food hypersensitivities and food allergies among children aged 1-4 yr. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2009;20:328-38.

Other publications:

Pyrhönen K Etelä-Karjalan Allergiatutkimus (EKAT) – lasten ruoka-allergioiden epidemiologiaa. Kirjassa: Haahtela T toim. Allergiakoulu. Allergiatutkimussäätiön vuosikirja 2011;39: 80-81.

Pyrhönen K, Läärä E, Näyhä S, Kaila M, Hiltunen L, Hannuksela M. Prevalence of food allergies and hypersensitivities perceived by parents or diagnosed by physician: EKAT – A Finnish child cohort study in South Carelia region (2006) Kirjassa: Näyhä s & Taanila A toim. Kansanterveystieteen ja yleislääketieteen laitoksen Tutkimusseminaari 11.12.2006. Kansanterveystieteen ja yleislääketieteen laitos, Oulu. ISBN 951-42-8319-8: 13-15.

Pyrhönen K, Näyhä S, Läärä E, Kaila M, Hannuksela M (2005) Ruoka-allergioiden ja yliherkkyyksien esiintyvyys ja riskitekijät 0-4-vuotiailla lapsilla Suomessa (pilottitutkimus). Kirjassa: Näyhä s & Taanila A toim. Kansanterveystieteen ja yleislääketieteen laitoksen Tutkimusseminaari 26.5.2005. Kansanterveystieteen ja yleislääketieteen laitos, Oulu. ISBN 951-42-7770-8: 8-11.

Contact for additional information

Kaisa Pyrhönen

Principal investigator, M.D. PhD

Research Unit of Population Health,

Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu

Email: kaisa.pyrhonen(at)

Temporarily the questionnaires cannot be downloaded from the web site.