TiiM-Coaching Developing Teams’ Learning and Collaboration Skills in SMEs

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
European Structural and Investment Funds - European Social Fund (ESF)
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
TiiM- project is developed to offer a coaching concept that offers SMEs consultative guidance using high-end technology to develop their meta skills in learning and collaboration according to the needs, goals, and resources of participating companies.
The results of the project include a new practical operations model and open access materials that help develop teams’ meta skills which help teams to recognize and solve different challenges in teamwork. During coaching sessions teams receive team level feedback and concrete tools for developing teamwork further.
Addition to consultive guidance the project includes information sessions, and three training events where the project operation model is introduced, and future developments presented. The operations model is innovative, because it makes use of the high-end technology of the LeaF infrastructure and research expertise on learning and social interaction at the University of Oulu.
The content of the coaching supports especially teams in the creative and ICT industry, that have faced structural changes from individual routine tasks toward creative knowledge work in teams.
TiiM-coaching is part of a development project funded by the European Social Fund.The Learning and Educational Technology research unit and the Oulu Business School from the University of Oulu are responsible for the implementation of the project.
29.3.2022 I Niina Palmu ja Marika Koivuniemi:
Kun etäpalaveri vähentää väsymystä
14.1.2022 | Niina Palmu ja Marika Koivuniemi:
Oulun yliopistosta tukea yrityksille tiimityöskentelyn haasteiden ratkaisemiseen