Towards Carbon Neutral Metals


TOCANEM is one of the four strategic research projects of the Association of Finnish Steel and Metal Producers’ membership. Since 1980 the Finnish Steel and Metals producers have being carrying out systematic collaborative joint research work to ensure the long-term competitiveness of the Finnish industry and to enhance its pool of skilled academic and industrial researchers.

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Business Finland

Funding amount

4 370 000 EUR

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Contact person

Project description

Metals production poses the largest CO2 reduction potential within the industrial activities of Finland. The European Union has set the year 2050 as the goal to be carbon neutral, whereas Finland has outlined carbon neutrality for 2035. In TOCANEM, through process innovations and research-driven knowhow, Finnish metal producers have accepted these ambitious calls to spearhead the shift to carbon neutral metals production. The aims for TOCANEM are to establish global leadership in process innovations related to carbon neutral metals production and to provide new research-driven knowhow for the utilization of electricity and hydrogen in metals production.

TOCANEM is organized to three sub-areas, all contributing to different aspects of achieving carbon neutral metals manufacturing:

  • Carbon direct avoidance
  • Smart carbon usage
  • Circular economy

Total budget: €18.28M (UO €4.37M for five research units at University of Oulu)

Partners: Boliden Harjavalta Oy, Boliden Kokkola Oy, Fortum Waste Solutions Oy, Freeport Cobalt Oy, Kivisampo Oy, Outokumpu Stainless Oy, Outotec (Finland) Oy, Owatec Group Oy, Sapotech Oy, Aalto University, LUT University, University of Oulu, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Åbo Akademi University, Metsä Group Oy, Ovako Imatra Oy, SSAB Europe Oy

Project results

Final report (pdf).